Bogey story of the month:
Dixie was so generous to let Bogey have this great chew toy ball with holes in it for treats. Bogey loved it and became her toy of choice. One day, I couldn't find the ball. I thought it got shoved under the bed or the couch or pushed behind something. I searched everywhere and assumed it would show up. It showed up alright! Turns out, Bogey ATE the entire ball!!! It was about 6 inches in diameter. This is a good size ball and a tough supposedly chew resistant material! Yeah right! Let's just say, we're still seeing evidence of that red ball. Yuck! (**Disclaimer: at first ,we were worried about her health, but read that you take them to the vet only if you don't see it come back out. So, if this ever happens to you, if you don't see it, check with the vet.)

Latest endorsements:
NetFlix: thanks to some friends, we were given 2 months free of Netflix and are now hooked. We have our own subscription now. It's a inexpensive monthly fee for 1 movie at a time. Sam and I like having a movie to hold on to for date nights or just to see different movies we wouldn't normally be exposed to. Whoever invented RedBox and NetFlix are my heroes and I'm sure are putting Hollywood Video & Blockbuster out of business one cheap DVD at a time.

Jillian Michaels work out DVDs: I found one for about $6 on Amazon. She literally kicks my butt and is just as tough as she is on Biggest Loser. I love my zumba class, but can't make it every week. I just got it in the mail last week and I like being challenged with her circuit strength training.

The Bachelor: Okay, I personally think Jake the pilot is not the brightest light bulb in the box, but gosh it's entertaining television! This season is so far fetched that it is truly an escape from reality. Some of these girls seem very decent and I am confused as to why they find the need to display their desperation on public tv, going to great lengths to get the attention of one semi loser guy! Oh, if only they believed in God's plan for their life. I really like Tenley for Jake. She seems equally dorky and quirky... I read the spoiler, that's all I have to say, more on that later in the season. :)

The 4:8 Principle: Great book... I've told so many people about this book lately and I'm not one to push a self help book. It's based on Phillipians 4:8 and how to live a JOY filled life! Who doesn't want more JOY in their life??? I even paid a huge library fine for keeping this book over due... oops! It has radically changed the way I perceive other people and my own thinking. I now defend and protect my joy and refuse to let anyone else take it from me!

Francesca's Collection: I love this store. I'm finally into the winter dresses and leggings... I know I'm a little behind the trend, it takes me awhile to branch out. Thanks to my friend LT, I am in love with this low budget boutique. We have 2 in Charlotte and I know there's one in Gboro. Worth the visit if you want something trendy and cute for not a lot!