
I am taking a break from my summer class prep, reading book upon book, to write a bit!  Reading and writing are connected, right my fellow literacy teachers?  I always have this middle of the night great idea for a blog and then when I wake up, I forget them.  During the school year, my brain is too busy.  In the summer, my brain goes into slow motion mode.  Instead of a brilliant idea, I find myself sharing what I talk about with friends and my sweet husband who entertains my talking.

Topic of the month: depth.  I think in the summer is when I have time to talk about things, such as depth.  This is when I stop and draw back from my crazy busy life and think about what matters.  I am one of those people who thrives on conversation and relationship.  I have realized and been thinking about the depth of my friendships and relationships.  How often do we (individuals, teachers, wives) walk in, get the job done, walk out... come home, eat supper, watch TV, read, go to bed... I know for me, this happens far too often.  I want to stop and actually get to know people and allow them to know me.  In this depth of relationship, there is risk.  Without risk, there is no depth.  I strive to know and be known by the Lord through prayer and quiet time.  I desire to know and be known by my husband, to carve out intentional time for us to talk deeply about life, hopes, and dreams.  I want friendships that are a balance of laughter and joy, along with sharing life's ups and downs.  Of course not all conversation is deep and meaningful and serious, but I don't want life to solely be about a checklist of events year after year.  As in all things, I am sure there is balance.

Now that I've reflected and pondered, back to reading I go... :)

A plug for a great book about community:

"This is why knowing and being known go to the core of life.  You cannot be fully loved if you are not fully known.  You can only be loved to the extent that you are known.  You can only be completely loved if you are completely known." John Ortberg, Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them

* shoutout to our old small group from Ridge with this one! :)